
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Today's Roulette Menu

Tumor board says...more MRIs to see how it goes. So no surgery, which is a relief (that was beyond brutal last year). We're hoping the bleeder will just go away vs. rupture. So that's a fun roulette wheel to ride.

Thankfully, it's not as symptomatic as the one they removed. I just have to take it easy when it acts up, not get hit in the stomach, and go to the ER if it gets worse so they can look at me and go 'we've never heard of that.' Them's the rules.

Which, by the way, the second you absolutely cannot get hit in the stomach, you know what happens, right?

The universe just comes for you no holds barred.

I have taken more hits to the stomach this year than I have in my entire life. I could be in a padded room, wrapped in bubble wrap, and there'd be something walloping my gut. The universe knows what's up.

Anyway, I've been doing a 'dirty' anti-inflammatory diet this week to see if I can find something sustainable that might help persuade the tumors to go away. 

It turns out, the anti-inflammatory diet is basically plant based vegan with a lot of nightshades for flavor so that limits my options (for anyone who doesn't remember, I love tomatoes but they hate me). So there's been a lot of sweet potatoes. A lotta orange glop, man. So much orange glop.

Dirty =  some butter, some cheese, diet rootbeer and more sugar than I'd like to admit. I'm working on it. 

In other news, kiddo has PT and neuro set up. Knock wood, she hasn't had any bad falls since the one that prompted me to ask for the neuro appointment.

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