
Tuesday, April 4, 2023

It's Not Zero Luck or Bad Luck, It's Negative Luck


Oh the teen. The poor teen. Just when we think we've got a win, that we've got something sorted, it all turns upside down again.

The dynamics gunning for her beggar belief. They really do. This is unbelievable.

So. Got a new diagnosis. One we thought was simple and straightforward. It's common, there's a turnkey system in place, meds should be plug and play. Easy peasy, right?


It interacts with one of her medications, the meds we can't get to work, that we are constantly back at the specialist trying to find a solution. Naturally, medication #11 looked like it might be a win aaaaaand she can't take it anymore. It's not considered safe.

This has thrown everything into chaos for the teen. This is the #1 thing that limits her ability to function right now so not having it buttoned up is a huge problem. We start medication #12 now and have no clue if it'll work. After this, we're out of pills to try... 

The one time we had a medication that seemed like it might work, she's disqualified from using it because of another diagnosis. I can't believe it. I'm aghast.

If we can't get this under control, eventually she'll have to have surgery. 

I can't believe how complicated simple things can be. I really just can't believe it. 

Also, it seems to me that the teen has some kind of issue processing this class of medications. Like, a med will work initially, but then her body seems to adjust or stop processing it and then it doesn't work anymore. Times eleven. And now her options are even more limited because of risks associated with another diagnosis.

I know I've said it a lot already, but honestly, I can't believe this. Every other kid and adult takes these meds and is fine. How is the teen not fine too?????????????????????????????????????????????????????

(And yes, she does take everything as instructed. I've done the whole are you sure you're taking your pills correctly thing and supervised what she's doing. Like, yes, I did actually go down the rabbit hole of maybe my kid is screwing this up, or worse, purposely engineering problems and no...that's not the issue.)

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