My body is like a pinata of pathology. Rare and chronic stuff everywhere. You never know what's going to fall out. Basically, the moral of the story is...don't be me. Just don't. Medicine kills patients like me and they are mercilessly efficient. Note: Timelines are purposely obsfuscated in an effort to make me less identifiable.
Right now, as far as we know, this is what's going on:
~*~Hepatic Adenomatosis w/ hx of hepatic resection due to hemorrhaging, 30+ adenomas, .007% of the population ~*~Familial Hyperaldosteronism of unknown genetic origin ~*~Asthma, sometimes difficult to control ~*~History of adrenal insufficiency after high dose steroids (3x) ~*~ PCOS with infertility ~*~ CHEK 2 genetic mutation ~*~ APOA5 genetic mutation ~*~Covid (5x vaxxed) with 1 round of Covid and ongoing fatigue and neurological issues~*~ Pancreatic IPMN which has started to increase in size
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