
Friday, July 7, 2023

MRI Results and Other Data


Hip labrum tear.

Well, at least it's not a tumor.

Surgeon consult in a few weeks. I don't know yet if I'm actually a surgical candidate.

But this will eventually end in surgery. It's just a question of when. Hip labrum tears are the gateway to hip replacements.


I assume the grapefruit is reflecting muscle strain from compensating for the borked kinetic chain lo these many years now.

I believe I injured the labrum initially when I fell 5-6ish feet and broke my elbow a few years ago. You know, 'they' always scold pet owners about how expensive vet bills are, but no one talks about how much pets can cost YOU in medical bills. My black lab rescue yanked me straight off the porch as a puppy. Then she broke my kid's tail bone. 

She doesn't have good awareness that she can hurt you, and she was a wild ass in we actually thought we might have to rehome her at one point, and that was before she started breaking our bones lol.  

She's going to cost me $30,000+ and a lot of mobility. Yeesh. Do I have all the luck or what?

Thankfully, aside from a serious fetch fetish (I believe I've mentioned this before), she's aged out of her particular brand of militantly destructive chaos and doesn't pose much of a danger anymore. But she was an insane puppy*. Absolutely insane.. She was a master class on why people give up on pets. I used to be a judgy bitch about people who gave up on their dogs, but holy shit was this dog a big piece of humble pie. I finally got it.

If we hadn't had dogs before, trained dogs before, worked with this breed before, we very likely would've bailed. She was not a dog for beginners. We were experienced dog people who'd had rescues and puppies from cradle to grave, we've never walked away from a dog, but she about killed us all.

So that's the hip story.

On the asthma front...the second I got cocky, I had a flare. Murphy's Law of Pinata. But I'll note it's coinciding with when I need my next shot of Ozempic. SO maybe there's a correlation there. I'll have to watch and see if the pattern holds. But for today, I'm taking the inhalers.

So weird. The air quality from Satan's c diff farts didn't bother me. It's just random asthma bullshit for no good reason.

I will say this flare starkly illustrated that I can tell the difference between serious and non serious asthma. I had an inkling this one was going to be a problem from the start. I don't know what it is that I'm perceiving when I have these insights, but I do actually know my lungs pretty well. (Assuming my oxygen isn't so low that I'm addled...then it all flips and I get overly optimistic.)

And of course now the insurance is starting to balk at allowing me to have Ozempic. Sigh. It'll suck to have this rug pulled out from under me. But no one can afford to put everyone on this. Society couldn't afford healthcare before we barely had any effective treatments for obesity. Now, it'll collapse the medical financial system. So no health for me. Or anyone else. Be rich or die. That seems to be the reality anymore.

Teen is holding steady. Doctors have confirmed receipt of the message but no marching orders yet. It's frustrating. I would've already tested the fever genetics by now. All the fever genetics. But you have to earn that through suffering in our current medical system. And so we sit, letting my kid suffer, trying to somehow trigger the next level of care. Hoping medicine decides to accelerate.

*I think I've mentioned this before as well, but I always worry about some random new person who's never been here before not having the background. And then people start spinning assumptions based on incomplete context. I try to head that off when I can see the potential for it. So. She was a rescue from a home with domestic violence and she was/is a bit traumatized and I'm not sure she'd been socialized very well before we got her either. 

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