
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Foot Stuff


So. We had all fervently hoped the spine surgery would fix the foot problems I had. 

(I didn't blog my way through that so I'll share a quick recap: spinal cyst (aka synovial cyst) was compressing my spinal cord so obviously it had to be removed. Also I have funky but mostly benign rare-ish congenital stuff on the spine and the cyst was RIGHT THERE. Which, is anyone surprised I'm weird? Anyone? 

Anyway. Fairly easy outpatient surgery as I didn't have a fusion. Recovery was...interesting. Spines and nerves really don't like to be touched.)

Several months after the surgery, I can feel my toes again, but nothing else in my foot has improved.

It would appear I have a separate foot issue, and that being able to feel my toes again is NOT helping. Numb toes would actually be better. (Can't win for losing lol lol lol lol lol.)

And we're about to go on a trip involving 10+ miles of walking and 10+ hours on our feet each day. Despite my best attempts at denial, I slowly realized I probably couldn't do that, and even if I could do it for one day, I definitely couldn't do it for four.

As a result, I've been bouncing around the medical system trying to figure out a diagnosis and treatment. Of which, I have neither so far, but I do have some meds and shoe suggestions in an effort to get me through this trip.

On my own, I bought some new Dansko and then tried Birkenstock as my usual shoes are all aggravating things anymore. I already have some Dansko, and they're great shoes, but unfortunately probably not enough to solve my problem. The Birkenstock are comfortable--I like how they gently rock your weight back instead of putting all of it into the ball of the foot--but they're also unable to relieve the pain in my foot. Plus, they make me look like a giant clown and I am not looking for assistance in that department, thanks.

The podiatrist has me buying Hokas. So basically, I'm going to be in this for about $1000 in shoes and none of them may work and I don't even have a diagnosis. Jesus.

Other things I've tried...

The foot pads are kind of useful. They don't provide enough of a fix, but they make things slightly less horrible. 

The toe spreaders were a surprise. I didn't think it would be helpful, but it relieves a lot of whatever it is that's irritated and wants me to die. But the relief is temporary.

Massage. Stretching. Taping. PT. All fails, but in fairness to PT, I don't have a diagnosis.

Have I mentioned hubby and I are taking dance lessons together. Who has foot pain to where they can't exercise and signs up for dance classes? Am I dumb? Yes. I think I might be. a powerful drug. I had too much dumbass optimism that things would  magically heal.  

I'm limping my way through the lessons. Mostly I sit all week (aside from a few short practice sessions) and conserve my foot for our weekly lesson. What a great lifestyle, right? 

Clearly that bodes super well for this family trip. I'll just be over here in the corner face palming until I learn.

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