First, this blog was on the Dr. Synonymous Show last night. I am now famous. You may call me Lady HPAA and admire my pill dress (made of hydrocortisone naturally). You can listen to the show here. Just note that the ACTH was less than 5 (<5) and not 5 as stated in the broadcast. Many thanks to Dr. Synonymous.
Now...on to the blood sucking.
When I saw the PCP earlier this week, my temperature came in at 96.6.
This is still, apparently, in the realm of normal.
However, it is a drop for me.
I used to be a 98.6 girl.
This past year, I've dropped to 97 and now 96.
Yesterday it was 90F outside.
I didn't turn on the a/c. Usually I am the first one to whine about the heat and insist on a/c. Not yesterday.
I just didn't feel it. It was hot, but I didn't sweat. I wanted a fan on me, but never felt like a/c was necessary.
Didn't even realize how hot it was.
Then, when the hubby started complaining about the heat and wanting a/c (first time ever, I always beat him to it), I realized if I really am 96.6 it probably takes me a while longer to feel the heat. Especially if hubby is a 98.6 guy.
No, my thyroid has not been tested recently. Come on. It would never be something that simple.
The truth is, I'm a vampire.
What? Why are you looking at me like that?
It's on the differential diagnosis list.
You probably just forgot.
Trust me, I'm a patient. I know about these things.
Why Can't My Doctor Diagnosis Me?
4 days ago
LOL! Yep, that would explain it. Your body is simply crying out for the nutrients of blood. Perhaps you should try sleeping hanging upside down. Me, I think I'm actually a zombie. It would explain so much. ;p