
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Baby Cobra Bitch

 You know, I'm not here to be cute. I'm no longer able to try to inspire quality medical care by being sweet and nice and cute. I've been through too much. Medicine has done me dirty. I'm salty af.

I notice a lot of women try to be soooo nice and positive and all things love and light while dealing with chronic and/or rare disease.

It's a mask. We save puppies, right? We coo over babies. Cute gets help. Cute has appeal. 

No one rescues a cobra. Baby or not.

Anger, boundaries, demanding quality...that's just a bitch, and bitches don't get shit.

But I'm a bitch. A baby cobra bitch.

I'd rather be cute, but cute didn't get me diagnosed. Cute only causes harm.

I'll be respectful if you're respectful and probably even if you're not, but do NOT come at me with your gatekeeping medicine bullshit. I don't play that anymore. I know you're only as smart as your bias, only as effective as your pattern recognition, which is useless for me since most doctors will never see more than one patient like me and no one researches shit on my crap. 

There is no knowledge base for me. My crap isn't taught widely. Physicians hear about it in passing (maybe),  learn it (maybe) for the test, and quickly forget it.

So why is the default of medicine to cause me more harm?

Why isn't it test, image, KNOW?

That's my mantra now. Get on board or get out. Provide data. Data is the roadmap, not what you or I think. I WILL do the testing privately if I have to. I will complain. I will get second, third, fourth opinions. Because I have to live with what happens when all the doctors are dipshits.

I'm not here for what you think. I'm here for what we can empirically prove is real. You cannot guess on things you've never seen. You must default to hard data.

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