
Monday, January 9, 2023


I did a downward facing dog and a plank for the first time since my hand was squashed. Major progress there. It felt good. My hand was ready.

Asthma has left the building. So has the prednisone and my arthritis is feeling it. Ouch. Don't get old, folks. It kind of sucks.

Liver is twinging but behaving. 

I would like to exercise, but I'm feeling really wiped lately. Although the last click of time here has been intense both health and family wise so I guess some down time isn't totally out of order. Hopefully, I'll get some pep back and plank my gut off now that all my hands work. Gotta get this fixer upper of a body moving.

Speaking of fixer uppers...The main family bathroom is done! If you recall, that was a big goal of ours. We're still working on final fixtures and bathroom storage. For the first time, every cabinet in a room is upcycled. We were able to pull from our beyond extensive (and slightly concerning) inventory of cabinets and found things that fit. It's a miracle.

The kitchen backsplash tile is finally done. We have a Butler Pantry cabinet original to the house that we'll refinish for one wall and then a custom cabinet coming for the other (to match an antique cabinet that's apparently the last of its kind left in the world because we can't find a second one anywhere).

There's lots of little finishing work to do, but we're close to fully completing the remodels of several different rooms. 

And right now, I'm distracted by the idea of doing a YouTube channel touring the house and talking about the remodel process. We're not able to film a remodel show. Things are too piecemeal in how we work. DIY remodels are not well organized. But it'd been interesting I think to go over the work we did and talk about the mistakes and wins of it. 

Lots of people have old Victorians and if you're not handy, it can eat you alive. We have the skill set (in hubby mostly but I source, organize, design, find the best price, and talk hubby off the ledge as needed) and it's still a lot. But having people who've been there, done that share their experience is helpful and there's a need for more of that.

I don't know if I'll actually do it, not sure I really have the time/energy, and at the core, we're not really video people, video isn't really our interest or something we gravitate to, but it'd be a fun and worthwhile project. distraction today. I don't know. Maybe I'll start with Instagram and storyboard it there first. Hmmm. I'm more naturally inclined to do photos than video. That might fit.

Naturally inclined what? That probably sounded weird. If you don't use social media for work it might not make sense, not sure. But I have to use a lot of social media for work and thus I know what I'm a natural at and what I'm all thumbs and centipedic* left feet at. Video doesn't come easy. Even if I'm not on camera (which I do my best to avoid). The workflow for photos...I can find a groove with that.

Anyway, it's an idea that won't leave me alone today.

Teen is doing okay. Holding steady. She's doing her first infusion soon. Yeah, I know. I find it a touch woo myself, but hey, we're at a major hospital and they seem to know what they're doing, or at least are in contact with enough people that if they were doing outright voodoo someone would notice. It's not going to hurt and may help. We'll see. Teen continues to have a one in a million positive experience with the health care system. We keep pinching ourselves because it doesn't feel real.

*centipedic isn't a word but I think it works well enough that maybe it should be.

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