
Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Gimme More of These Brains Please

Saw the pediatric physiatrist for the teen. MRI coming.  Maybe CP, maybe some other stuff that no one picked up on but for which there are markers for (holy shit), or maybe nothing. 

But either way, at least we'll know and that will help us proceed.

Yes hypermobility. Yes, custom orthotic knee braces, maybe lower leg bracing too, but we'll see. Possible second opinion in genetics and other specialties  (which we hope not because we are all tired of going to doctors over here, but if it seems necessary then fine). Maybe outpatient day rehab program for intensive OT/PT.

Very inspiring doctor. Someone who's lived it as a patient. I wish there was more room in medicine for people with their background, but most disabilities make it difficult to get a seat at the table. 

Two hour appointment. I'm knackered. Asthma is better (knock wood, toss salt over shoulder, do a voodoo ritual) but I have a mono like wall of fatigue I've been hitting in the afternoons. So...I don't know. Was I sick? Was it Covid? Or was it just asthma? Hubby has been running tired too which is unusual so...something is going on.

Oh. Haha. I just started norovirusing. All I need now is a kidney stone and I'll have a complete set of covid fuckery. I don't know, man. I do not know. But this has been a miserable slog of time over here.

I still haven't had a positive test and we've worn n95s everywhere so I'm praying we didn't impact anyone if it was Covid. The lack of reliable testing, testing you can be confident in, testing you can make good decisions by isn't helpful.

Random sidebar with the foot shit: Clown cars to clowns is shoes to orthotics. I had no idea there were so many things you could put in a shoe...

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