
Thursday, February 2, 2023

Day 5

The asthma continues. Oxygen is bouncing to new lows. Bouncing being the keyword. The baseline is overall lower but then it goes down up down up down up down up down down down up a little down down down up a little. And never gets back to normal. For doctors, it's meaningless, but living with it is hard. It eats my energy and focus.

It's day 5 of steroids and every inhaler I own so now what? 

We have a mini trip coming up. I'm not sure I can do it. I'm struggling to function just doing basic stuff. So now I have to figure out how not to ruin it for everyone. Bah.

My foot at least lets me sleep--the cortisone shot was really helpful--but the sleep deficit with the foot and the asthma is so severe that I'm still climbing out of the hole. Hopefully I catch up over the next few days.

AI continues to be my special interest. Two resources for you.

AI in science and medicine has the most to offer right now. AI can force medicine to align with evidence instead of letting a doctor's moods or perceptions or blind spots dictate drive decisions. But they need to address bias in the AI itself and I'm not sure if they will. Tech dude bros are legion. I've worked with a few so-called Silicon Valley 'thought leaders' and the culture has been largely set by incel dicks. Also, they are the flakey and fake af. So the nuance and empathy and commitment to higher principles AI needs doesn't exist in enough people who make coding decisions.

And the demographics and financial impacts thereof on AI are very interesting and something most people aren't even thinking about. (This guy has a bias and isn't always right, but he has an exceptional ability to extrapolate the potential impact of demographics.)

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