
Friday, June 23, 2023



The swelling in my foot has gone down enough that the gap between my big toe and second toe has begun to make an appearance again. It's not just from the surgery, but from the neuroma too. Meaning it's a major and exciting sign of progress (for me) and I'm really hoping my normal biomechanics reassert themselves with time. 

I will say, I'm a little surprised at how uncomfortable walking can still be, but I also know that the deep healing happens last and I probably won't be fully done recovering for months yet. (I can't tell if my body is slow or if the patient information is overly optimistic, but I always find that full recovery after surgery takes way longer than advertised.)

The asthma is still behaving. It's there and I take an inhaler if it's too edgy, but it's not a raging asshole. I don't know if this will continue or not. I don't know why it happened either. We've tried eliminating meds several times in the past and I've never been able to do it.

Aside from aging changing my hormones, the other thing that changed is that Ozempic seemed to finally dropped my ESR and CRP levels to normal for the first time in my life. There is some noise in the medical literature that asthma either seems to cause higher CRP or that high levels correlate to more active asthma but it doesn't read like it's been settled to me. It's an intriguing theory though. Perhaps now that my systemic inflammation is gone, it's harder for the asthma to Hulk out?

Interesting to think that PCOS, which is known for causing higher CRP and ESR levels, could have been egging the asthma on this whole time.

But then I've been on Ozempic for a while and all I had were problems last summer. I can't really draw any solid conclusions but I WONDER SO MUCH.

Unfortunately, I doubt how it's happening will get sorted out in my lifetime.

My hip continues to be an asshole. OMG. It just won't fucking STOP. The steroid injection helped but nowhere near as much as I'd hoped. And I thought it was cold weather that was the main problem. I'm learning now that's not true. We went grocery shopping and I had to go sit in the car. I started out fine, then wham! Pain pain pain. I couldn't walk anymore. Instead of my foot causing problems, all the drama has transferred to the hip. Greeeeeat.

So some milestones to the better, some to the worse. 

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