
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Reality of Oxygen

Don't listen to me. I'm being way too optimistic.

My oxygen is still not right.

(Oh and note, these posts are not chronological. Like, I posted yesterday about the asthma, but I'm not posting in real time. Things are disconnected from date. The asthma is under control. It's been a few days.)

My oxygen is really 95.  I am mostly that when I check. It'll bump up to 97, but not nearly as often as I say it does. And I am dropping lower way more than I'd like a lot more than I'd like.

So my question is, do I really have sleep apnea or do I have some covid fuckery because it's normal for oxygen to drop at night (to a point) and if I'm not normal going into sleep, what happens while I'm asleep?

Is it apnea or is it covid?

Inquiring minds want to know.

But no wonder I'm so tired all the time. Things aren't right. Still.

Asthma is behaving now that I'm back on Symbicort. I also took 10 mg of prednisone in part because the asthma was spiraling and in part because I wanted to see what it did for this bone tired fatigue.

 Without the Symbicort, I started having sinus infection type symptoms. Very very very gunky deep deep deep up there. I was a little worried I was actually getting sick, but the Symbicort stopped it so it must've been the asthma gone wild.

The 10 mg of prednisone was nice. Effective for the asthma ( no doctor will agree with this but experience shows I can get high impact from low doses if it's not too far gone). I stopped panting like a dying dog every time I climbed the stairs and I had a more normal level of energy. I have no idea if it means anything though. 

I did finally haul my sorry ass in for the cortisol/acth blood work (before the 10mg) so we'll see if any of my weird medical spidey instincts have any basis in reality.

(And I don't know what my oxygen was while off the asthma inhalers. I really thought I was fine. I randomly checked one day just for shits and giggles because I found the pulse ox in my drawer and it was at 91 and I was like, whaaat? Why? So then I started checking more frequently. Even with the asthma meds on board, it's not normal.)

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