
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Queen of Morons



I'm such an idiot.

I got all googly-eyed loop de loopy.

And I assumed it was my electrolytes. Assumed my system was still stabilizing after all the roids and anesthesia.

But actually, I forgot to eat!

Just clean forgot!

Maaaaaaan. I'm not sure how much hope there is for me if I can't figure these kinds of basic things out. 


Face palm.

Face palm.

Pas de bourree.

Jazz hands.

Sashay away.

To be fair, it was a hectic go here and there and everywhere day and I lost track of time. 

And the problem is not just being not hungry, but being anti hungry. I wondered about whether I should eat a snack and my body was like HELL NO. But I finally realized that maybe I was feeling like a gloppy slime mold oozing off a flat earth into the vacuum of space because it was 3pm and all I'd eaten for the day was two cookies and half a peach. Instead of a hunger cue, my body provided a 'don't you dare eat' cue.

In conclusion, I am a moron and my body is enabling my inherent moronicness.

Also, I am still not skinny. NO idea how that bullshit works.

(And yes, I ate cookies. Teen made some. If you're a calories in calories out person, you know I didn't eat nearly enough to be a problem. If you understand insulin resistance and how CICO only works in perfect conditions, you know the sugar is basically a force multiplier in my metabolism. Although...Ozempic mostly makes it a non issue and allows for more of a CICO model of intake vs. weight sooo...why am I still fat then?)

Another conclusion...teen definitely is hypermobile, but we have no diagnosis like EDS still. There aren't any specialists for it in our area. Eventually I imagine it'll belong to rheum but they don't yet seem to have a grasp on it. They feel her hypermobility is mild HOWEVER let the record show mild doesn't mean easy or any less of a fall risk. The rheum also endorsed braces and maybe continuing PT as that's the main treatment for hypermobility. 

So we have near universal agreement on the braces among the different's just I'm pretty sure the head PT person wants to yeet all braces into the sun and will be giving us a lot of death glares as a result. I'm not looking forward to that conversation...

And that's it. Science doesn't have much beyond that for us at this stage. I told the teen that she'll likely get a diagnosis as an adult. We have to wait for the science to evolve and the specialists to figure out their protocols. Until then, just keep swimming...

We are now officially dismissed from rheumatology unless something changes. So we are finally making progress on jettisoning some of these endless appointments.

Ideally, I still want to ditch PT. We'll finish out the rest of the year, but I want to the teen to figure out a program to do at home on her own steam. Life isn't going to give her the free time during business hours to do PT. She needs to be more self-sufficient and PT isn't providing enough ROI to be worth the effort and time it takes. She's slooooowly coming around to the idea that, for her, health is going to take more work and she's the one who has to do it. 

But she's a bit stuck in the 'this sucks' and 'I don't wanna' phase of things. Which I completely understand, but reality is a bitch and we either kick her ass or she kicks ours...

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