
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

MRI Happenings

 Had the pancreas MRI. The steroids and contrast hit me differently every time. So far just foggy with a headache, tired, racing heart, sweating buckets, and very hungry. All I want is sugar. I put a bunch of ground flax seed in some yogurt when even dinner wasn't enough and am hoping that slows my roll. 

On the positive side, my neuroma has calmed the fuck down. It's been keeping me up a lot. I have nights lately where I'm in and out of bed all night long trying to stop the muscle spasms in my foot. 

The spasms are so intense, they actually fold my big toe under and pin it there, literally bowing the ball of my foot. I can also feel every insertion site on my calcaneus. It's just yanking, yanking, yanking. It takes a lot of standing to get it to release. The spasms clench like they're trying to bind my feet to please an ancient Chinese emperor. 

So here's hoping there's a good long tail effect on the neuroma. With the spine cyst, the MRI prednisone bought me a week of relief. That would be amazing here!

The MRI itself took over an hour. Woof.  So much breath holding. There was one where I think the machine malfunctioned and forgot to tell me to breathe. I made it to 25 seconds and had to tap out. It kept going...

I am kind of bad at holding my breath.

Hubby was funny. He dropped me off and ran errands while I was in the MRI. When I got in the car afterwards, I took the alcohol wipes I had leftover from our trip and wiped down my stuff and kind of scrubbed my hands. We have a lot of that new norovirus going around here, and I know alcohol doesn't kill it, but I hoped wiping my hands off would mechanically remove it. 

Hubby watched me be a total germophobe and said, "Just don't use it on your face. It burns your lips." 

I froze. "Why would I use these on my face?"

He looked away and wouldn't make eye contact.

"Do I want to even know?"

He'd been using them as wet wipes because he couldn't wait to eat our takeout dinner until we got home (the MRI was super late this time). I guess it got messy...

But yeah. Pro tip. No alcohol wipes on your face. Or maybe I need to put some wet wipes in the car...

PS: Update: Foot was good, hip was not last night. The fucking hip kept me up most of the night. Laying for the MRI aggravated it. OMG. I'm so over running away from pain all night long. 

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