
Friday, May 5, 2023

Where's the Dial? Is It in the Room with Us Now?

I've had a good run. All the inflammation in my body disappeared a few days ago. Poof. Gone. I felt fucking fabulous.

My body refused to be agitated. I hit asthma triggers (smoke, dust) and nothing. The lungs were not interested. It was amazing.

So naturally, I fucked my shit up with some surgery.

Surgery went well. Apparently the neuroma was fairly large once they finally cut to see it, but my inflammation was so low that the surgeon couldn't elicit any pain when palpating it prior to surgery. I could tell it was still there, but whatever switch got flipped in my body this past week turned everything down to 1 instead of up to 1000. 

And yes, I know I had a mega dose of prednisone recently but we're past that window. Something got turned OFF. Maybe triggered by the prednisone, I can't tell, but it's not just prednisone at this point.

I went from multiple charley horses in my foot all night long to just ONE in a WEEK. Whatever happened, it was crazy awesome. 

(Gosh. I wish I knew how that happened so I could do more of it. How do I get control of that fucking dial????)

Post operative pain seems fine, but I'm reserving judgement before I make a final ruling as it's still early days of recovery. Asthma is a bit triggered but I think I'll be able to get it back in the box with just inhalers.

My eyes are kind of fucked up. Whatever they did dried me out like they were trying to make a mummy. My mouth finally started salivating again last night, but my eyes are struggling to make tears and something is under my eyelid making it feel like I'm sanding my eyeball every time I blink. I'm using Visine as a stop gap and hoping it resolves on its own soon.

I did see what I assume is covid related dysautonomia in my blood pressure, heart rate, and oxygen levels on the monitors. I've spent a lot of time staring at those numbers when I've been too sick to do anything else (when the asthma is bad, I can't focus on much). I have a pretty good handle on what my pre covid pattern was. This shit ain't it. 

My BP is wildly low and high in weird patterns, one number will be funky low while the other is strangely high. Oxygen is bouncing like a rubber ball. Up down up down. It's actually going below the line into abnormal territory but it bounces right back up. Same for heart rate. Everything is bouncy so once it hits normal, that's what they record and call it good. They just wait for the ball to hit the sweet spot.

Overall, I'm fiercely positive right now. I want more of what I just had. My self talk goes something like 'okay foot, your problem is gone, now shape the fuck up and quit your bullshit, we've got summer swimming coming and a new swimsuit and we are going to have a great time, including good sleep, or die trying. I will amputate you if you can't get it together. I know where the hubby's table saw is...'

My ultrasound for the grapefruit came back with...something. What exactly is unknown. Something hinky, but the degree and exact kind of hinkiness is up in the air. I need follow up of some kind. Waiting to hear on that, however doc is out of state right now so... It never ends...

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