
Monday, May 8, 2023

Chairs I Got

Doing good over here. Pain is minimal. I'm mostly taking stuff to help with inflammation more so than pain at this point. (Which I have Toradol. Didn't even attempt an opiate for this one.)

I'm sleeping pretty good too. Finally. I think some of what's going on is the last of Covid is finally leaving the least on this front. It's a mega sleep disruptor for me so I'm guessing this is a sign I'm finally past that.

But it's not all roses and sunshine. The dogs are super petulant about not being allowed up in bed with me. Currently my chocolate rescue is in my spot in bed and giving me a baleful look I translate as 'bitch, you'd better not make me move.' I am ruining their lives lol. They pace the bed super anxious about coming up with us and instead they get kicked out where they cry and huff at the door.

They also don't like it when they're in my chair and I make them move. And I won't let them lick my toes. They really want to lick my toes. Normally they don't care about my toes and we're not telling them no on much of anything so they are super insulted right now. Little princess babies lol.

I'm trying to walk as little as possible until I can fully bear my weight. I don't want to overload the other foot/knee/hip fuckery and trigger more issues and medical stuff immediately after this. Healing is dynamic and can cause secondary problems same as an injury if you're not careful.

To wit: We had a black lab (best dog ever RIP) who blew a knee. We replaced the joint and when that was done healing, she immediately blew the other one. The stress of hobbling ate up her other knee. I'm already not 100 going in so I'm trying to be extra careful and not make anything worse. 

And I want a break! And I want to have a fun summer! And I wan to work, really work, not piece meal around all the stupid medical shit! (Oh hey, I've said this before. Ha. At least I'm consistent.) So treating things like they're fragile is my attempt to achieve that. However, I am doing leg lifts so I don't completely turn into jello over here or make my hips hurt. Always gotta be busting moves to keep the hips in place...


My big adventure today is a shower with my little bamboo shaving stool and a cast cover. They were so funny at discharge about not standing in the shower and needing a chair and cast cover. They were shocked when I told them I had it all already. They literally stopped talking to just process for a second. I guess they'd never had anyone who already had the set up???

But like, I'm a planner. I work ahead and I pay attention. But also, this neuroma made me buy a shower chair (but like, cute) and a cushy foot pad months ago. I haven't been able to walk or stand barefoot on hard floors or put all my weight on one foot to shave for over a year. I had to problem solve.

So chairs I got. What I don't have is a faster runway to diagnostic imaging for earlier diagnoses which is what would really improve my outcomes...

The dogs are petulant about being displaced by my surgery, I will forever be petulant about the harm done to me by the anti imaging bias in the medicine decision tree that I can't overcome even with my multiple growths, multiple surgeries for growths history.

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