
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

My Sharona Neuroma

 It's a neuroma. Another growth. Morton's Neuroma. (What did I ever do to you, Morton?) Oh and another joint has some bursitis going.

I think this growth likely came from a PT related injury I sustained in my foot trying to deal with my hip and knee back when we didn't know I had a cyst compressing my spine. (Wow was that a mouthful. But that's what happened, when this all started.)

I don't know that this one is part of my broader pattern of growing all the things everywhere.

At the same time, I can tell there's one in my other foot. It's nowhere near as bad yet, but it's brewing and I'm not clear on why that one is happening.

Not sure what the deal is with the bursitis. I do have a hard push off that I've worked to soften. Or maybe it's from that original injury too.  Weirdly, between covid and the fact I can't walk without pain and severe, nigh intractable, charley horses in my foot, which is to say, I ain't walking much, it hasn't resolved. I thought rest was the cure with bursitis???

Anyway, my goal now is to get another cortisone shot or even actual treatment, as apparently there are maybe some non surgical options. (It would be amazing if I could avoid surgery OMG. I hope, hope, hope.) Depending on the plan, there's a chance I could actually be in a good place by the wedding. (!) Failing that, a cortisone shot will at least keep me comfortable and let me sleep until we can schedule whatever procedure.

Hopefully I can claw back some mobility for a few years before I get clobbered by the next thing.

It's frustrating. Zero stars.

PS: The MRI report is wild. Apparently I have cirrhosis, colorectal cancer, and need a CT and MRI. There's just a random rambling paragraph of nonsense in there that I can't even begin to figure out how to summarize here. I don't know who triggers that...radiology or podiatry? Was it something I said? I was pretty doped up on Benadryl and a metric ton of fact, I conked out and slept through most of the MRI. But yeesh. I'd think it wasn't my report except the doctor called me and confirmed the neuroma.

PPS: The doctor's office was SO nice and trying so hard to make sure I wasn't worried but I kind of figured it would be a Morton's neuroma so I'm in a place of AMPUTATE ALREADY MOTHERFUCKERS. I have no anxiety. No worry. I know it's not cancer. That I'm not going to die. Just kill the fucking thing already. But they were so careful with me, working so hard to ensure I wouldn't panic, and I was like, look, this is growth number 35 at this point. A foot nerve tumor thing can't scare me. You don't have to baby me. Fire up the napalm, bitches and SEND IT TO HELL. K? Thanks ever so much. ROLL TIDE.

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