
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Parade of PITAs

Cortisol and ACTH were fine. I will say, I wish I'd managed to test earlier. There is some evidence that Covid hits adrenals hard and I actually know someone in real life who ended up with adrenal insufficiency.

By the time I could sloth my way to the lab, I'd improved somewhat. I didn't have that 'needs a nuclear reactor implant to lift an arm' kind of fatigue anymore and the weight loss had slowed down.

I'm glad it was fine. I'm just super curious about what it was.

Anyway, haven't caught my oxygen being too low lately. So hopefully it's done done? Or I'm being too optimistic again? We'll see.

I'm still tired, but overall increasingly functional. I have lots of mental energy. Not so much physical energy. I'm not really keeping up with gardening and I bail a lot on cooking and household chores. I'm just tired. BUT I have been swimming a bit. I do the household and gardening stuff intermittently which is more than I was. (We are absolutely drowning in green beans lol.)

I am also curious to see what treating the sleep apnea will do. And a bit nervous about how well I will do with the machine. I'm a finicky sleeper. And I already have so much melasma due to mascne from n95s--lots of discoloration around my chin--that I keep picturing CPAP mascne in the shape of the mask which will then discolor because my melanin is hyper af and I'll have a permanent imprint of the damn thing. 

With perimenopause, I'm also more of a night owl. It's not uncommon for me to be up until 2am and still feel like I get a good night's sleep (I'm able to let myself sleep a bit longer in the morning on those nights). Usually I read, which means, every so often, I'm up all night because I got hooked on a book. So I am wondering how the monitored usage works when you're a night owl who sometimes reads all night? Or doesn't sleep consistently?

In case you didn't know, they take away your machine if you don't use it. So I'm not sure how that will work. I mean, I'll stop reading at night obv, but that doesn't fix the perimenopause...which was why I started reading in the first place.

I guess I can wear it while I read?

In other news, I got this feedback because of the weird stuff I do with my brain in my industry.... "I just love what you do and how much I'm learning." High praise. I'm going to float on a cloud the rest of the week now. I know this may be hard to believe, but while doctors seem to hate me and are convinced I'm dumb and know nothing, other people do like me and feel I provide value.

And the teen is enrolled in college now! Hallelujah! OMG. We were SO behind. So so sooooooo super behind because of fucking covid. And there are so many things you have to do to get set up at a college. So many meetings. Enough paperwork to circle the earth a hundred billion times. OMG. But we did it! She's enrolled and registered now. PHEW.

She aced the stupid math placement test. Like, ACED it. She's an odd mathy duck. She tests super well and then falls apart in classes. For the first time, I have some insight as to maybe why this is...she told me she didn't remember some of the formulas so she just sat there and 'logic-ed' her way through the problems. She's literally just inferring math, and then, when the class is all structured and formal, her brain freaks. 


So, anyway. She's in a liberal arts stats class, which is easier than the algebra they wanted to put her in. I'm not against her taking algebra, just not as her very first college math class. She needs to learn the ins and outs of what college is, what the expectations are before she hyperventilates and cries her way through college level algebra. (And yes she cried during the math placement test. But quietly. No one knew.)

But we did it. We got it done. I was sweating bullets, man. We were so behind. It could have easily gone the other way, where we missed all the deadlines and couldn't enroll. And if you're like so what? The thing is, we have a hard external limit because we have credits from the state, and if you don't use them, it's bad and you can have issues because of it. We had to make this happen and I wasn't sure we were going to make it.

Like, I'm still stressed about it even after the fact lol. But we did it. 

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