
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Genetic Golly Gees

 Talked to the geneticist.

I don't quite know how to explain anything.

I'm still synthesizing.

We're finding stuff, but not THE stuff.

And stuff that really really should be there (even per the geneticist) isn't.

So right now it looks like I'm falling into the 'wait and see what other data comes in, in a few more years we might have the information we need to say it's this or that.'

And also the 'tell one side of your family about this for their kids and the other about that for them and their kids and your kids should have genetic testing prior to any pregnancy.'

So. Definitely stuff. But nothing that's adding a lot of clarity right now and some things that are really not what anyone expected...pointing to a blind spot in the science.

Basically genetics is trying to read genes when they only know 1/8th (random number) of what anything means. We're still missing so much data. There's no dictionary, just a mish-mash of post-it notes (figuratively speaking).

In 10, 20, 50 years, I think this will be more conclusive. It's all still so new and there's just so much missing still and it's feeling like the data crunching capability is a bit lean. As I've mentioned, I've been really surprised about how bare bones the science is.

I will be back with more to say at some point. Right now I'm just blink blink. And waiting on some papers the geneticist wanted me to see as there have been some new studies that just came out that seem relevant. (And to be clear, they aren't looking for my opinion or anything, just sharing, but I don't feel like I can comment with any intelligence on the information until I've seen it for myself.)

It's funny. I know what this all means more for other people and not really for myself. Not the goal, science. Not. The. Goal. But thanks.

PS: I did finally hear from the pulmo but I can't open the message. Ha. Because of course. Literally a fucking decade with no problems and now the system decides my password is invalid. I need to tell them the secret to life using calculus and the forensic blood spatter of an alien homicide to reset it. Meanwhile, these fucking apps are selling my data to Facebook and who knows who else. 

I'm just...whatever. I care, but like, not enough to fight for it. It'll depend on my energy and attention as to when I get to it.

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